May 2015 - 3 Hair Products I'm Loving

May 21, 2015

Cutting my hair off was amazing.  Yes, I had natural hair before the cut and didn't need to big chop but I wanted to cut my hair so I did.  I think at some point I fed into the hype of growing longer natural hair and forgot to just have fun with it.  Length isn't my main objective to wearing my hair natural.  My main objective is to keep my hair from breaking off and looking a hot haggard mess at any length.  For me, this means keeping heat away from my hair therefore I have been only wearing it curly and have been trying out some new products to see what works for my short curly hair.  These are some recent discoveries that I'm loving.

1. Kohala Spa Coco Mango Conditioner
Price:  $18 for 8oz;  $30 for 16oz;  $48 for 32oz
Purchased from Kohala Spa

I used this exclusively while on vacation in Hawaii and my hair loved it.  Thanks to those hotel samples I was winning!

2. Eco Styler Gel Clear
Price:  $5.19 for 32oz
Purchased from Sally Beauty

I've tried both the Clear and Green versions and my curls seem to love the clear one better.

3. Aveda Be Curly Curl Enhancer
Price:  $7.50 for 1.4oz;  $24.00 for 6.7oz
Purchased from Aveda

I was not a huge fan of this product when I used it alone but when I use it in combination with the products previously mentioned my curls pop and look so shiny and moisturized that I had to put it on the list this month.  Love the trio.  My stylist introduced me to quite a few Aveda products and I am really loving the product line right now. 

Cheers! - Sabrina

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